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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Poweball's April 14th draw and Titanic

Greetings Number Enthusiasts,

Last night's PowerBall numbers for the $113 Million were

 14 -  15  -  16  -  19   -   24  with a   2   

$10 bucks is all I'm willing to lose a day on playin' numbers  -   that's my limit.  So, I played two powerballs, (with no power play) and three pick 4's in Ohio.  No Luck with either.

Here were my Powerball numbers.

through the rest of the $6 bucks to play 1040, 1004, and 1014 in Ohio's pick 4 Draw.

Now I want you to see my handy work on the chart I erected to pull my Powerball numbers from ---- you'll soon see my frustration.  Every number that came in, was in the charts.  I just choose the wrong ones.  But the good news is 

it's still on the table for 
only it's bigger now at $131 Million

Okay, so here is the deal---the Jackpot in this drawing was $113 Million Dollars --- well, when Titanic hit the Ice Berg it was 21 degrees Cancer---in total degrees of celestial longitude it was 111 degrees.  This number 111 came out in PA on 4/10.  One hundred years later, Titanic's Neptune has progressed to be 23 degrees of Cancer, which in total degrees of celestial longitude is 113.    

That is one of the reasons why I decided to play Powerball.  I don't always play that game---the odds are just to high and choosing the numbers from my charts is so frustrating. Remember I'm only willing to bet $10 bucks.  

Now let's get back to the NUMBERS!!!!

Neptune right now, is measuring 2 degrees of Pisces---in total degrees of celestial longitude it is measuring 332 degrees---it will be fun to see how far up this new Jackpot for Wednesday will go.  Would $233 million be possible?  I don't know, I really pay much attention to the Powerball game.  But, I'm gonna start taking a much more serious look --- 

Here is the chart for Titanic's Ice Berg Hit (inner ring). Second ring out has her progressed stars for 100 years later, and the handwriting ring around the chart---well, that's my scribbles of present planetary transits for the time of the Powerball drawing on her, the Titanics' 100 year anniversary.

You see I circled the numbers that came out---I forgot to circle the transiting Moon at 15 degrees of Aquarius, only because I already saw it in Titanics' Ice Berg chart, for Jupiters' placement at 15 degrees of Sagittarius.  By the way, Jupiter rules all things massive, like Ships, Horses, Airplanes, etc.---and Sagittarius, well it rules Long Distance Travel.  

I hoping that when you look at this chart, that you see how frustrating it can be to come up with the right numbers.  I know they are there---It's just comes down to having a little more luck in the picking.  I am expecting to win one day, but more over I want other people to win too.  I want folks to know that we live on this Earth as it cycles, and those cycles can be observed watching the stars in their cycles.  

Always wishing everyone Good Green Luck!
Keep an eye out for Wednesday chart, I'm just gonna show you it, and let you pick your own numbers.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

TITANIC 100 Year Anniversary Numbers are Comin' In around the States

I am very fond of the Titanic lore.  I also knew that the 100 years anniversary was going to start producing numbers that are related to the Titanic.  So I sat down with my books, and my star charts, and I put this collection of Pick 3 and 4 numbers together.  Each number has something to with the Titantic, and the Stars for either her Launch, her Maiden Voyage, and the Ice Berg Hit.  The Ice Berg Hit being the master chart here---I also had to progressed it up to this day, and throw up some present transits and see what points (and numerics were being energized.

The numbers circled have come out around the States since 4/10 and I'm figuring to give them to the 15th, but than again you know how numbers like to show up late.  Know that the passengers on the Titanic came from around the world, and where going to disperse around the states if they would have ever made to New York.  I'm certain more of these numbers are gonna come out as well as repeat.

The plan is to one day show you exactly how I arrived at these numbers, but for now...there are two days left to play.  Pick one and go for it.

If you see a number you like and you want to know how it related to the Titanic, just post a comment.

Note:  Sorry I'm posting this late, but the results coming in are over whelming I wanted to share it with everyone---originally it was just an exclusive list for a few of my followers to test.

Collectively, the circled wins so far add up to some $7,800.

This book I purchased at one of the Titanic Artifact Exhibits I attended, it's a signed copy by the Author Lee W. Merideth.    It helped me to arrive at a few of my numbers.  And I just realized I left out an important number. Titanic was between 882 and 883 feet long ---she was exactly 882 and 9 inches----so play 8829 in a pick 4 and 882 and/or 883 in a Pick 3.

This is getting very exciting----can't wait to see what else shows.  This is also getting me very exciting about producing the Video to show you how I arrived at this numbers.

Ya gotta love Cycles!  They keep comin' around.

Good Luck everyone!

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Mega Big RMS TITANIC & Little ole Me


Scanned Copy of my First Boarding Pass
I have always been fascinated with the story of the Titanic---and I have always been mesmerized by the Sea--never afraid of it. In fact, I love boating so much that a long boating trip that ended in getting home through a severe a storm was, to me, exhilarating.  We made it from Block Island, NY  back to Sea Girt, NJ--tired, but safe.  So, I consider myself as owning a pair of 'sea legs'.

To date, I've been blessed with being able to see two separate Titanic Exhibits.  One visit to an exhibit was on July 13th, 2007 in Denver, Colorado, and the other visit was in Vegas at the Lexor Hotel and Casino on March 22nd, 2009.   (I am giving the dates here because I'll be showing you something here later in this writing that will require they are mentioned).


When you visit a Titanic Exhibit you are given a replica Boarding Pass like the one pictured on the left.   I was given mine when the entrance fee was paid.  So it sort of gave you some time to examine it while you walked over to the make shift gangplank that led you to the beginning of the exhibit.  I was like, "How Cool is this?" and absolutely thrilled with mine.

Scanned Backside of Boarding Pass
My Boarding Pass revealed that I was a 1st class passenger and my cabin D-19.My name was Mrs. Edwin Nelson Kimball, Jr. (Gertrude Parsons).  I was age 45 and from Boston, Massachusetts.  I was accompanied by Edwin Nelson Kimball, Jr. (husband).  The reason for my travels the boarding passes notes 'Returning from a holiday in Europe with her husband'.

I later found out by way of Lee W. Merideth's book "1912 Facts About Titanic (Revised Edition) that the D Deck is also considered the Saloon deck.  The Saloon Deck had open access to the outside and was where most of the meals and cocktails were served. 

In Merideth's other book, "Titanic Names" I looked up my maiden name Conway and found that the one Conway aboard Titanic was a Steward in the F & B Service.  I kinda thought that was pretty neat because I've been a Bartender since I'm twenty-one years old, and most of my employments have been in the Food & Beverage Industry.   

Just to let you know, twenty-five year old P.W. Conway boarded the Titanic in Belfast, lived in London, England and didn't get a seat on any of the Life Boats.   I would have to do some digging to find out if I'm related in anyway to P.W. Conway.  I'll let ya know if and when I ever find out.

Getting back to the Boarding Passes, which has my interest peaked about who this Gertrude Parson's.

Okay so in the exhibit in Colorado.   I was Gertrude Parsons.  By the way, my Mother's middle name is Gertrude, and my 4th grade teacher who looked exactly like my mother, was Mrs. Parson's.  I remember telling my girlfriend that when I read it on my Boarding Pass at the Exhibit.  I thought it was odd.

I also thought it was odd, that when I walked up the Gangplank and handed over my Boarding Pass to the exhibit attendant who was all dressed up in era clothing.  He tipped his hat to me and said, "Ah, Mrs. Kimball, how is the Piano business?".   I smiled big, cause not only was I a first class passenger on the Titanic, but I was married to Kimball Pianos.  The first piano I ever bought myself was a Kimball, and every time I sat down to play it, I would first have to go through a series of ten or fifteen minutes sneezing marathons.

I just thought the whole thing was really really odd.  The exhibit is something I think every Titanic enthusiast should see.  The second you walk into the first compartment of the exhibit,  "you feel it".  It's fun too, how just like the ship, they divide the exhibit up into compartments.  Anyway,

You do.  You feel it.  A silence occurs in you, when you look at the items they brought up from Titanic's.  Then there is one part of the exhibit where you get to stick you finger through a hole and touch a part of the Titanic's hull.  I didn't understand the reasoning behind it why they would let you do that, but of course I didn't it.  And when I did, I noted exactly was time it was too.  Why?  Well, because when you are a interprating stargazer and doing something that is really extraordinary---you note the time.  Because later, when you are able, you'll want to erect the chart and see what was going on at that moment.

And as told, that's exactly what I did when I got back home. But I also, started wanting to look at charts for the Ship too, so I was search and came across Eileen Grimes' Titanic Astrology:  The Grand Design of a Famous Shipwreck.  Well, I ordered it up right away, because she was proclaiming to have found the Star Sign Signature of the Titanic.  Meaning that there was certain degrees of the planets in their celestial longitude that were appearing over and over and over again in the charts related to the event and the people connected to the Titanic.

Now you don't need to know anything about Astrology to read this book.  Eileen does the job to explain the abc's of star logic to you nicely and with the unerring details and parellels to the Titanic.  You'll love it.  And you can even find out if you have it in your own birth chart.

In addition, while I was living in Tuscon, Arizona a small Titanic Exhibit was coming for just a couple of months.  I saw an ad appeal for Ticket Sellers and Tour Guides on Craigs' List.  So I followed the directions and wrote a quick little note why I would like to apply for the position and what knowledge of the details did I know about the  Titanic.

My first phone interview got me a second scheduled interview.  The gal had told me, "Well, you've convinced me, but now you have to convince the "top dog"---so be sure to have a dazzling performance ready for your second interview".  I had like three days to prepare for my performance to land me a position as a Titanic Tour Guide that paid $13 a hour.   I was getting my game on!  I really really wanted to once again be surrounded by ???????? of the Titanic.

Oh, I was getting prepared alright, I couldn't wait to perform my script I had all my Titanic books opened and started talking to the walls, the bird, the dogs and the mirrors.  I was going to dazzle "the top dog". Then life happened and the next thing I knew I was in my car journeying back home to New Jersey.  So I never got to dazzle the "top dog" with my Titanic knowledge.  Dang!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TheseStars' Picks for Evening Draw for 4/10/12

 Evening Numbers  Draw

Okay, so the stars in the chart for tonight's draw are suggesting that we should see

a 2, 7, or 8 ---possibly even  827

The planet Saturn 8 is rising in the chart and making one of the tighest aspects with Mercury 5.

The Moon 2 is also considered to be rising and applying to the Sun 1 --- so I also like the 1 and 2 together, and since the Sun is being opposed by Saturn 8---good chance to see a double number here of the 1 or the 8 or the 5 and 7


Moon trine Sun  = 1 with the 2         and       Moon Quin Neptune = 2 with the 7

Mars' opposing Neptune = 2 with the 9        and           Mars' square Venus = 9 with the 6




Ya gotta love it when you pick some winners!
1 Straight for $500 & 2 Boxes for $580
and Split Pairs for $27.50
Total $1,108.50

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Giants VS New England

This is the prediction I did for the decision game between the Giants and San Franciso for the Superbowl 2012.  All I did was

  •  erect a chart for the time of the Kick Off, 
  • and use the first house to represent the San Fran, 
  • and the 7th House to represent NY.

Then I went weighed the strength of the planets in their aspect and in their placement in the chart.  You will notice that NY had one more star on their side, and of course, you already know that the Giants did in fact go to the Superbowl.

I didn't do any predicting for the Superbowl, because it was one of those time when the Stars were just all over the place, and well, I just thought it was going to be too close to pre-determine a winner.